Book queue

books, books, and more books

Good Lord, Jen, did a library explode on your kitchen island?

As a matter of fact, it did. The floor is just littered with small pieces of paper and other library-ish detrius. It’s a mess, I tell ya.

What you are gazing upon here is the stack of reading I have scattered all about the house…unstacked for your horrified pleasure. True schadenfreude. I gathered this from three different rooms on two different floors of the house. This is just the unread stuff. Magazines (and one showed up in the mail after I took this picture), online newsletters I’ve printed off to read, books of all sorts. Books on giftedness. Books on twice-exceptionalities. Books on kids and anxiety. Books on spirited children. Books on sensory processing disorder. Books on figuring out what I want to do with my life (God, I’d love to figure that out).  And only three pieces of fiction. Oh, and I have eight books on my wish list at the library.

This weighs heavily on me. I love to read, always have. But having all this staring at me is intimidating, especially when I’m so busy doing other stuff. I’d rather be reading. And when I finally have a chance to read, I’m too sleepy to do much more than page through a magazine. Finding time to read and concentrate on what I’m reading is the biggest hurdle. I certainly don’t have an issue finding things to read. I’ve lost count of how many books I’ve returned to the library unread.

Now excuse me, my friends. A thunderstorm is blowing up and I think that’s a good reason to shut down the computer and read. Or…yawn…thumb through a magazine.

6 Responses

  1. Now I don’t feel so bad about my pile o’ unread books!

  2. This post cracks me up 🙂 Looks SCARILY similar to our house! Hmmmm….in your pic, I see MANY of the exact same books scattered around our house.

  3. Oooh, I have a few of those same things unread in my house. 🙂

  4. Your books are attacking you!!!!!! Put them under the bed. They will like it down there.

  5. That’s funny; I thought that was a table at Barnes & Nobel (seriously.) My dresser looks a lot like that. Finished one today, though–The Prize Winner of Defiance Ohio. Add that one to your list; it’s a winner 🙂

  6. […] Friday Fragments–6/…melissaz on Friday Fragments–6/…Mrs4444 on Book queueMrs4444 on Friday Fragments–6/…cms8741 on […]

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