
Mornings are tough around here. I’m trying to get myself cleaned up, trying to get A focused enough for school (including his listening therapy), and trying to keep J from antagonizing his brother. All without coffee.

So today I opened up my email to distract myself from the chaos and found the most eye-opening, jaw-dropping (really, I gotta knock off the jaw-dropping…I have enough things going on without having to gum all my food for the next month), day-making news:

The Write-Away Contest hosted by Scribbit

I’m a MOST Honorable Mention at Scribbit’s April Write-Away Contest. To say I am honored, thrilled, stunned…you get the idea…is the understatement of the year. The post I submitted is here, about my love of my library.

I sat, stunned, reading that I was chosen as an Honorable Mention…and was quickly brought back down to earth by a full cup of orange/pomegranate juice flying onto the floor, followed very closely by the tumbling and spilling of the Rice Krispies box, and the vocal stylings of two little boys singing along to XM Kids. Ahh…mornings.

So if you’re here from Scribbit’s site, welcome. Curl up and stay awhile. Have some coffee (I’ll only stand over your shoulder and sniff the aromatic deliciousness). Leave a comment. Welcome.

16 Responses

  1. Congratulations and well-earned. It was a great post.

  2. Ahhhh yesss… Nothing like the reality of all that comes with children to ruin your moment of basking

    Congratulations, nonetheless….


  3. Congrats! Have a great weekend.

  4. You got her with your love of libraries–it was the needed connection. I thought this month’s entries were the overall best so far too.

  5. Congratulations!

  6. Congratulations – and welcome back down to reality.

  7. YAY! Go you. When I read that post, I’d thought it would be a winner!

  8. That is so cool. Congratulations.

  9. Congratulations!!!

  10. That’s awesome! Congratulations! 🙂

  11. Yay! Congrats!

  12. Again, I must say….uh, DUH!

  13. Congratulations my lovely! How awesome that almost every time I visit here you have an award or somesuch!

    Smootches to one of the most popular chicks I know!

  14. Your library post deserved at the least an honorable mention. Way to go!

  15. Absolutely well-deserved. The post was sheer brilliance.


  16. Congratulations! Lovely news, and well-deserved!

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