At least it wasn’t phone s.e.x.


What sweet faces. What innocence. What a crock.

Can you read the shirts? Allow me to assist.


A’s says It seemed like a good idea at the time and J’s says It’s my brother’s fault.

When they say a picture says a thousand words, they ain’t kidding. These two shirts describe our morning.

They had a sleepover last night; A slept in J’s room. They get those when they’ve been good…there will not be one this evening.

They got up at…wait for it…4:41 am, according to A. He is the one who woke up first, and then demanded company from his partner in crime. A said he was so excited about the beginning of spring break that he couldn’t sleep. No, we did not know they were up.

At 5:30 A came bounding into our room…

A: Dad! Dad! Mom! Dad! If we call right now we can get a Pancake Puff Pan!

Us: Blink…squint…huh? Wha’?

A: Pancake puffs! We can get it right now!

Tom: A, no. What are you doing up? Go back to bed! We are not getting a Pancake Puff Pan and certainly not in the middle of the night!

A: Ooookayyyy…(as he’s walking out of our room) Sorry, my mom and dad can’t come to the phone right now, they’re still sleeping.

Us: (sudden realization of what is happening, followed by immediate lucidity, and ending with an electric shock to the system) A! Are you on the phone? Get back in here!!!!!

A: Yeah… (gives the phone to Tom)

Tom: (barely awake but able to form words) H’lo? Uh-huh…No, we don’t want a Pancake Puff Pan…yes…sorry, we have an overzealous 6 year old here…yes…thank you ma’am…goodbye.  A? Take this phone and put it back.

A: Ok…(leaves)

Me: I’m dreaming this, right? Our son didn’t just call the Pancake Puff 800 number at 5:30 in the morning, did he? This is a dream brought on by stress and a caffeine-free lifestyle, right?


Yes, my loverlies, my 6 year old called an 800 number this morning to order a Pancake Puff Pan, with his 3 year old brother as an accomplice. He was seduced by the siren call of Call Now! and Wait, There’s More! and the thought of round pancakes with whipped cream squished inside. I am only very thankful that he didn’t try to use his library card number to pay for it.